St. Peter’s Square and Basilica
St. Peter’s Square was impressive just by its sheer magnitude. I always chuckle to myself that it’s called a “square”, but in actuality it’s a circle. After admiring the layout and remembering the crowds that gathered there during the audience with the pope, I continued on to St. Peter’s Basilica.
The ceilings appear to be about three to four stories high, with elaborate frescoes and statues from top to bottom, even the molding is fancy! There is just so much to see that you feel that by looking in one direction while walking through, you’ll be missing something else by not looking the other way. The layout on the main level includes the center alter accompanied by smaller alters along both sides. As we made our visit during the early hours to avoid the crowds, we were fortunate enough to witness mass at the various alters within the church conducted in different languages; it really is a wonderful reminder of how wide spread Christianity is and how it brings everyone together.
Entrance fee: Free
Duration of visit: 1.5 hours (but I can easily see how one can spend the entire day here appreciating all the intricate details)
Traveler’s tip: There are special visits to the necropolis underneath the Basilica where the tomb of St. Peter is located. Visits require special permission granted by the “Fabbrica di San Pietro” through the Excavations Office. Only 250 visitors per day are permitted. Entrance fee is €13.00.

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